Contributing to Mautic

So you want to contribute to Mautic? Great! We are so happy to welcome you to our Community!

Code of Conduct

Everybody in the Mautic Community needs to read, and agree to abide by, our Code of Conduct. Please make sure you take a look before going any further!

Contributor roles

We have developed formalized processes for contributing as a designer, developer, marketer, tester, translator and writer. We're an open and evolving project, so if you don't fit into any of these roles, please let us know and we will work with you to create it!

You must join our Slack workspace first before contributing. Get an invite at


There are many opportunities for designers to get involved with the Mautic Community. Some examples of tasks that you might work on include creating logos or icon sets for use in promotional material, designing a pitch deck to help people promote Mautic, and creating imagery for use at events or in social media/email campaigns.

We also need UX designers to help us when we're bringing in new features to Mautic - you can help us with creating wireframes, defining the user experience, and guiding developers on best practices.

Find out how to get involved.


As a developer you can contribute to Mautic by reporting and fixing bugs, working on new features as part of Strategic Initiatives or community projects, test and code-review pull requests, creating demo plugins or applications to share with other developers who might want to get started with Mautic, and help us to improve our developer documentation.

We also need developers to help us with maintaining and improving our web-based resources, such as the main website and our Grav-based documentation websites.

Find out how to get involved.


Help us to tell the world how awesome Mautic is! Marketers can help the Marketing Team in a range of areas from planning and executing campaigns, managing our paid advertising accounts, writing content for our website, supporting the monthly newsletter and more.

We also need marketers to support our release cycle, helping to get the message out about exciting new features and important information about new releases.

Find out how to get involved


Every new feature and bug fix has to be reviewed and tested by members of the Mautic Community. It's a great way to get started and makes a real difference to how quickly we can release bug fixes and features. If you have a basic knowledge of Mautic, you can help us as a tester!

We also have a suite of automated tests which check the code to ensure that it hasn't broken any part of the product which is covered with tests. If you come from a QA/QE background we would also love your help to improve our processes and workflows.

Find out how to get involved


Mautic is currently available in 67 languages, which are all maintained by volunteers from around the world giving their time to translate Mautic into other languages. If you would like to help with this effort by translating or reviewing Mautic, or helping to internationalize other resources in the Mautic project, we'd love to have your help!

Find out how to get involved


Content makes the world go round, right?! We have many opportunities for writers to support the Mautic Community, whether that be through writing, proofreading and editing content for our website, reviewing and optimising existing pages, creating compelling content for our marketing and communications or supporting the Education Team as a technical writer.

Find out how to get involved

Community builder

Our community is at the heart of Mautic, and community builders are the people who help us to grow and nurture that community. The Community Team have quite a wide remit, and there are a lot of opportunities to get involved with supporting Mautic as a community builder. Whether you want to support local communities or help people to get started as a contributor, or want to find ways to reach out into other open source communities, we've got lots of ways to get involved.

Find out how to get involved

Event organiser

Events are the beating heart of a thriving open source community, and we have quite a lot of them happening throughout the year! We hold an in-person event annually which moves continent each year, in addition to Mautic Conference Global which is held virtually. Local communities can also host a MautiCamp event - a localised conference for people in that region - and Mautic Meetups which are smaller monthly gatherings of Mauticians.

Whether you want to help with the big international events or the regional and local events, there are lots of opportunities to put your expertise to good use and help bring Mauticians together in-person, online, or in a combination of the two.

Find out how to get involved

Web developer

The Mautic Community has several web assets which require regular updates, improvements and development of new features. If you're a keen web developer and have experience with Drupal or Grav, we'd love to hear from you! While our website is hosted by Dropsolid, it is our responsibility to drive new developments and innovations. We'd love to build a web development team in the community specifically to look after our web properties and keep us moving forward.

Find out how to get involved

Server administrator

Several of our services and websites run on servers which need supporting. Our infrastructure working group monitors and updates these servers, keeping them up to date with the latest security patches and updates.

If you're an experienced Linux systems administrator and would like to support Mautic by maintaining our servers, we'd love to have your help!

Find out how to get involved

Contributing financially

If you would like to financially support the Mautic Community you can do so via Github Sponsors or Open Collective.

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