If you think you've found a bug, please let us know. This helps us build a better Mautic for everyone.
If you think that you have found a security vulnerability, please submit it via the documented process with as much detail as possible. The core team will review the vulnerability and if found applicable, will create the patch in a private repository. The vulnerability will be disclosed once the patch has been included into a release. You can read more about our security processes here.
Before submitting a bug:
If you're quite sure that the issue is a bug, please report it in our GitHub repository and provide us with as many details as possible (reproduction steps, Mautic/PHP versions, etc.). The more details we have, the easier it is for us to try and troubleshoot your issue.
If you're able to fix a bug - whether it's one you found, or something reported by someone else in the community - please make a pull request. Be sure to link the pull request to any issues that it resolves by including in your description 'fixes #issuenumber'.
Providing test instructions is extremely important - please do not assume the person testing your pull request will be a developer. Provide clear, step-by-step instructions of how to reproduce the bug, and then how to check that your pull request fixes it.
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